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Mitchell Gunter

O: (843)237-2094 M: (843)450-2357

From McCellanville SC to Little River SC, if you are buying or selling property I am the person you need to speak to.

Mitchell Warren Gunter was born in Georgetown, SC and spent most of his early childhood and adult life on Windsor plantation. Where he grew up, spending much or his time outdoors creating a love of nature, wildlife, hunting, fishing and farming which still exist today.

He graduated from Winyah High School, attended Wofford College, graduated with a degree in Economics. life-time member of the Herbert Memorial United Methodist Church. ” My fondest childhood memories are of being brought up in a church where I was made to feel everyone is family.”

Upon returning to the Georgetown area in 1986, he worked for First Federal Savings and Loan of Georgetown, which later became Carolina First, This is when he first acquired a South Carolina Real Estate Broker’s License, Appraiser’s License and Home Builders License. During this time I served on the board of the Georgetown County Housing and Community Development Agency. Most of the Agency’s work at this time was securing government infrastructure loans throughout the county.
In 1992, Mitchell left Carolina First to start Indigo Realty and Appraisal Service. During this time he served as chairman for the Housing Opportunities Cooperation, a non-profit organization established to address and improve housing in Georgetown County.” I get great enjoyment out of knowing I have positively affected someone’s life, so you can just imagine the excitement level of knowing you are doing so on a community level as well.” In 1993 he also opened Eastcoast Mortgage Company which grew to encompass offices in, Georgetown, SC, Mt. Pleasant, SC and Johns Island for 16 successful years. In 1994 Mitchell merged Indigo Realty and Appraisal Service with another real estate office and formed Realty World, The Real Estate Service Center, LLC where the business expanded into land development, subdivision and home construction.

Now today; " I see many opportunities for both individuals and our community to achieve higher goals and I want to be a part of that !

Mitchell Gunter
Pawleys Island Office
The Litchfield Company, Pawleys Island Office
14240 Ocean Highway 17
Pawleys Island SC 29585

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